徐涛 ,男,1968年生,硕士研究生导师,本科毕业于内蒙古工学院电力系统及其自动化专业,硕士研究生毕业于广西大学电气学院电力系统及其自动化专业,现任bet356体育亚洲版在线官网副教授。
教学方面要承担本科员工的电力系统分析课程和研究生电力系统稳定与控制课程的授课任务。科研方面长期从事电力系统稳定方面的科研工作,所取得成果主要有:主持内蒙自然基金面上项目“风电场并网对电力系统频率稳定性影响的研究”已结题。主持的bet356体育亚洲官网入口重点基金项目“基于稳态控制潮流的电力系统电压稳定研究”已结题。所主持bet356体育亚洲官网入口基金项目“基于电路特性的电力系统潮流可行域的可视化研究”已结题。近年来,在国内重要学术期刊、学术会议发表论文9篇,其中中文核心期刊5篇, EI收录3篇。
Resume of Associate Professor
Xu Tao, male, born in 1968,supervisor for postgraduates, Bachelor Degree in Power system and itsautomation, Department of Electrical a Engineering, Inner Mongolia Universityof Technology,Master Degree in Power system and its automation, School of ElectricEngineering, Guangxi University, associate Professor at Institute of electric power ofInnerMongolia University of Technology, as the electric power department of theprofessional teacher.
Theteaching courses are power system analysis for undergraduate and power systemstability and control for postgraduate. The main research work is in theaspects of power system stability. The achievements have achieved are asfollows:
"Thewind farm integration on power system frequency stability research" ofInner Mongolia Natural Science Foundation Project, “Research on the voltagestability of power system steady-state control power flow” of Inner MongoliaUniversity of Technology key project and “power flow feasible region based on thecircuit characteristics” of Inner Mongolia University of Technology projecthave been finished.
Inrecent years, 9 papers have been published in the domestic journals and 5papers have included in Chinese core journals and 3 papers have included in EI.