石开明,男,汉族,1970年4月生,内蒙古呼和浩特市人。1994年bet356体育亚洲官网入口“电力系统及其自动化”专业毕业,获学士学位;1995-1997年华北 电 力 大 学电力系统及其自动化研究生进修班学习。1994.7本科毕业至今,一直在bet356体育亚洲版在线官网电力系工作,2000年聘为讲师,2006年聘为副教授,2015年聘为硕士生导师。
Resume of Associate Professor
Shi Kaiming, male, Hannationality, was born in Inner Mongolia Hohhot on April 1970,. I graduated fromelectrical power system and automation of Inner Mongolia University ofTechnology with a degree in 1994; electrical power system and automation ofNorth China Electric Power University has study of postgraduate in 1995-1997. Ihas been working in electric power department of electric power institute ofInner Mongolia University of Technology College of after 1994.7. I wasappointed as instructor in 2000, associate professor in 2006 ,Master SupervisorIn 2015 .I have teaching the course of electrical and automation undergraduate:"electric part of power plant " "220KV substationsimulation", "electrical 300MW generator”, power plant and substationsecondary circuit ", "high voltage technology", "wind farmelectrical engineering". Scientific researching there are "onlinemonitoring and fault diagnosis of transformer gas software development" ,"scheme of substation integrated automation system 220KV research”,"feasibility study of 1000KV UHV substation ", " large scale wind farmin Mengxi power grid cascading disconnection and reactive power controlstrategy of voltage coordination ".