主要研究方向为:1、高精度在线脑机接口机器学习算法及其嵌入式控制系统设计;2、无人驾驶飞行器和地面移动机器人导航、制导及先进控制;3、生物神经网络建模、仿真与结构辨识;4、电力设备故障、森林火情、自然生态恢复程度自动识别与诊断。曾主讲:1、本科生课程:电路、电工学、电子技术、信号与系统、现代控制理论、自动化专业外语、人工智能导论等;2、研究生课程:模式识别、神经网络与深度学习、随机过程与随机控制。入选第十一批“草原英才产业创新人才团队”(带头人)、第五批“草原英才”工程培养高层次人才、内蒙古自治区“321人才工程”第二层次、内蒙古自治区高等学校“青年科技英才计划”-青年科技领军人才。已发表学术论文70余篇,其中SCI论文11篇(含Top Journal 2篇, Bioinformatics; JCR 2区以上论文6篇, Computational intelligence and neuroscience, BMC Neuroscience, IRBM, BMC Systems Biology, Journal of Neuroscience Methods),EI检索的期刊或国际会议论文29篇(含控制与决策、电子学报、仪器仪表学报、IFAC、REPE、CoDIT、CAC、CCDC),出版英文专著1部。累计授权4项发明专利(含1项美国发明专利),7项实用新型专利,12项软件著作权。主持或完成国家自然科学基金项目(2项)、内蒙古自然科学基金杰出青年基金项目、内蒙古科技成果转化项目、内蒙古关键技术攻关项目等省部级项目8项、横向课题2项。目前为IEEE会员、日本电子情报通信学会IEICE会员、中国人工智能学会认知系统专委会委员。并担任IET Systems Biology、IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics、Journal of Clinical Neurology, Neurosurgery and Spine、控制工程、测控技术、热力发电等学术期刊专业审稿人。指导研究生和本科生参加各级各类科技创新竞赛,并获得:中国国际“互联网+”老员工创新创业大赛内蒙古赛区选拔赛银奖、华北五省老员工机器人大赛内蒙古赛区一等奖、高教社杯全国老员工数学建模竞赛二等奖、 “挑战杯”全区老员工创业计划竞赛一等奖、“兆易创新杯”中国研究生电子设计竞赛华北分赛区二等奖。
Resume of Professor
Professor Chao-Yi Dong, male, han nationality, was born in Baotou, Inner Mongolia, in Jul., 1976. At present, he is a supervisor for master students majoring in “control theory and control engineering” in Inner Mongolia University of Technology (IMUT). He is also the director of Intelligent Energy Technology and Equipment Engineering Research Center of Universities in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region,a member of the academic committee of IMUT, and a member of the Korea branch of the National Association of European and American students. He received his B. D. of “electrical engineering” in Hefei University of Technology in 1997, his M.Sc. of “control theory and control engineering” in Inner Mongolia University of Technology in 2002, and his Ph.D. in “control and robotics” in Korea University, Korea. He was a visiting scholar in “Laboratory for Systems Biology and Bio-Inspired Engineering (SBIE)” at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Korea, in Jul., 2010. From Mar. to Sep., 2016, he was an academic visitor in “Industrial Control Center” at University of Strathclyde, UK.
His researches cover: 1. machine learning and embedded controls of high precision online brain-computer interfaces; 2. dynamical modeling, simulation, guidance, and advanced controls of unmanned aerial or land vehicles. 3. automatic recognition and diagnosis of power equipment faults, forest fires, and natural ecological restoration based on machine vision. He has offered the lectures such as Circuitry, Electrotechnology, Signal and Systems, Electronic Technology, Modern Control Theory, Specialty English, and Introduction of Artificial Intelligence for undergraduates; he also offered Pattern Recognition, Neural Network and Deep Learning, and Stochastic Control for graduates majoring in “control science and engineering” and “computer science”.
He has awarded honors of Prairie Excellence Specialist Industrial Innovation Talent Team Leader of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (the eleventh batch), Prairie Excellence Specialist of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (the fifth batch), 321 Talents Project of Inner Mongolia University of Technology (the second level), Young Leading Talent of Science and Technology in Universities of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (NJYT-15-A05). He has published one English Monograph, twelve software copyrights, and more than 70 papers, including 11 SCI papers (including 2 top journals, Bioinformatics; 6 papers above JCR Q2, Computational intelligence and neuroscience, BMC Neuroscience, IRBM, BMC Systems Biology, Journal of Neuroscience Methods) and 30 EI papers (including Control and Decision, Acta Electronica Sinica, Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument, IFAC, REPE, CoDIT, CAC, CCDC). He and his research group have been granted the funds: National Natural Science Funds of China, Inner Mongolia Science and technology achievements transformation project, Inner Mongolia Key Technology Project, Scientific Research Foundation for the Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars, State Education Ministry, Natural Science Funds of Inner Mongolia, Scientific Research Funds of Inner Mongolia Provincial Education Department. Currently, he is a member of IEEE, IEICE, CAAI, and CAA. He is also the reviewers for various international or Chinese journals, including IET Systems Biology, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Journal of Clinical Neurology, Neurosurgery and Spine, Control Engineering, Measurement and Control Technology, Thermal Power Generation. He directed graduate and undergraduate students to participate in various scientific and technological innovation competitions at all levels, and won: the silver medal in Inner Mongolia Region of the China International "Internet plus" Undergraduate Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, the first prize in Inner Mongolia Region of the Five Provinces of North China Undergraduate Robot Competition, the second prize in the Higher Education Society Cup National Undergraduate Mathematical Modeling Competition, the first prize in the "Challenge Cup" Undergraduate Entrepreneurship Plan Competition, and the second prize of the North China Division of the "Zhaoyi Innovation Cup" China Graduate Electronic Design Competition.
Contact Details:
Room 0703,
Building of Electric Power,
Inner Mongolia University of Technology,
Jinchuan Development Zone,
Hohhot, Inner Mongolia,
People’s Republic of China,
Email: dongchaoyi@imut.edu.cn