120415124 PLC可编程序控制器(本科生)
S14115 嵌入式系统(研究生)
Resume of Associate Professor
Ihave been a member of the IMUT since I graduated from IMU in 1995. I completedmy master
degree and PhDin BHU and IMUT, and I am now an associate professor in the Control Science andEngineering department.
Myinterested research is algorithm usedin the intelligent system andhow to realize the intelligent system about navigation, automatic control and image processing.
Myactivities focus on navigation and automatic control. My recent publicationshave addressed: filtering methods for initial sensor data; data fusion methodsin the integrated navigation; realization of the small navigation system;attitude control of UAV.
I teach threemodules in the Department:
120415029Optimal control (for undergraduate)
120415124Programmable Controller(for undergraduate)
S14115 Embeddedsystem(for postgraduate)
Ialso supervise students for their undergraduate and postgraduate researchprojects.